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Welcome to

Copa Cabana Life

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Welcome to Copa Cabana Life, my name is Michelle and I am happily married to Daniel, we married in 2013 after a short time dating (4 months) when we married we did not tell any family, as to not get the lectures. We have both been married once before and made the determination that we know how to do it wrong and have been working everyday on doing it right since 2013. We moved to Arizona in January of 2014 and have not looked back since. In August of 2016 we became licensed foster parents in hopes to start our family; after 3 agonizing years in 2019 we were blessed to have a 2 day old little bundle of joy come into our home and he has been here with us filling our heart and days with chaos and love, we have also added two forever daughters to our family through foster care and currently have one foster son. We are starting this page as a place of acceptance and to let you know you are not alone in the daily struggles of foster care, special needs care or just life. I do sincerely hope you will find laughter and joy in reading our escapades.